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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Year 3 Spring Overview

Year 3 Autumn Overview

Year 3 Subjects

Please see our sections on the right of this page to find out more

Ancient Greek Workshop

Year 3 had a delightful time participating in an Ancient Greek dancing workshop, hosted by the Creative Dance Company. It was a fantastic experience for the children, and it was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and creativity in action. By the end of the workshop, they split into groups and created their own dance which they performed to their peers!



Science Week

This week we have had a very exciting week - it's science week! The theme this year is growth and Year 3 have been investigating a range of things that grow. First, we learned all about the frozen deserts of Mars, and thought about what type of animal could adapt and grow in such an inhospitable climate. The children created their own hybrid creatures. 

As we are entering Spring, our next experiment seemed perfectly timed! The children mixed together paper and water to create a seed bomb - adding a range of seeds. These seed bombs can be used in gardens or plant pots. Ask you child to tell their teacher what kind of flowers emerge from their bomb!

Next, it was all about slime! We had a fantastic time mixing together a variety of ingredients to create a slimy concoction. We then measured how far each group's slime could stretch - the winner in Miss Meikle's class was 6 metres long! 

Finally, the children have set up an experiment which will be investigated for the next two weeks. A spring onion was measured and precisely cut, then placed into a cup of water. Each group chose a different sunny spot to place their onion, and we will be measuring them each day to see how much the grow.