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  • Uniform Information

    Uniform is an important part of school life, it helps to build a sense a of community and belonging. Uniform can set the tone of the school and help raise standards of work ethic and behaviours in school. Uniform has many benefits including minimising the social pressures to wear what is in fashion. Our uniform should reflect the cultural and religious diversity of our school and should support our young people to grow up to be respectful of different religions and culture. Therefore, our uniform expectations are flexible, sensitive, and inclusive. We regularly review our uniform to ensure value for money, we provide appropriate alternatives to ensure parents can manage the cost of uniform.

    Our uniform policy will not change significantly, it is important to send your child into school in full smart uniform. The school logo changed in September 2021,  however, we have not set a deadline for all uniform to have the new logo and we will accept old uniform until it has phased out naturally.

    Uniform with the logo is not essential. It is encouraged to have one jumper or cardigan with the school logo, but it is not required. However, if buying a plain top please ensure that there are no logos of any kind.

    I do wish to impress on you that uniform will be monitored carefully, our policy is flexible and inclusive allowing everyone to access the uniform easily. We will be strict about uniform and will call home and expect you to bring to school appropriate uniform if necessary. We will pay particular attention to footwear and PE uniform.

    children should wear plain black shoes or trainers only, even on PE days. No ankle boots or boots will be accepted. T-shirts, polo shirts, cardigans, jumpers that do not contain the school logo must be plain.

    The uniform expectations from September are the following:

    • Black trainers or shoes  no boots, heels, or sandals.
    • Grey or black trousers or shorts
    • Grey or black skirts/ culottes, knee length.
    • White or green shirts or blouses
    • Grey school dress
    • Green and white checked cotton dress
    • White or green polo shirts with or without school logo
    • Green jumpers or cardigans, either plain or with school logo.
    • Plain white, green, grey, or black socks
    • Grey, white, green, black tights.
    • No makeup, nail varnish or false nails.
    • Long hair should be tied up.
    • Religious headwear should be grey, green, black, or white.
    • Leggings worn under school uniform must be white, black, or green.

    PE Kit  it has been beneficial to families, pupils, and the school to wear kit to school on PE days, therefore, we will continue to ask children to wear PE kit on school days. However, PE kit must be smart and in line with the school uniform policy, expectations, and school colours.

    • a white round neck t-shirt either completely plain or with school logo.
    • Black sports jumper/ hoody, plain or with school logo.
    • black shorts, skirt or black tracksuit bottoms or leggings
    • No jewellery should be worn during PE/sport activities.
    • Long hair must be tied back.
    • Sensible black or white trainers. (the main thing to consider is that they are plain and fit in with the uniform colours)