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  • Pupil Premium

    Pupil Premium and Catch-up recovery fund

    The pupil premium and catch-up premium are additional funds for publicly funded schools in England. They are designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, close the gap between them and their peers. The catch-up premium is to support the school to deliver recovery intervention following the covid lockdowns and reduce the impact of the disruptions to learning

    The documents below outline the spending and impact of Priory’s pupil premium and catch up allocation

    Inclusion Support Application - Pupil Premium Grant

    The following support may be provided by the school so that financial issues are not a barrier to your child's education or learning: free school meals, school trips, school uniform, food or access to free or low-cost extra curricular activities. Please fill out the following fields to ensure that we can process your request: Name of child, Parent's email address and Information on what support you require in the message box. Please be aware that there are limited funds and each application will be handled with discretion and looked at on an individual basis. Support may be given by Priory School or signposted to external agencies. A member of staff from our Inclusion Team will be in contact with you following your application to discuss. If you require further information on how to access support please email