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  • Admissions

    Thank you for considering Priory School for your child.

    Priory School puts children first. In our caring community, we value every child as an individual and we work hard to ensure all our children achieve their potential and are both successful and happy.

    We focus on creativity in the curriculum and provide a stimulating and exciting environment in which children can learn, create, experience, and display their achievements. At Priory, all children are given the opportunity to discover their abilities, interests, and strengths.

    Education is a partnership between home and school in which we work together to provide the best for your child. We hope that the years your child spends at Priory will always be remembered as inspiring, creative, happy, and successful.

    Mrs Hannah Foster


    Admissions to Reception for September 2025

    How do I apply?

    Applications need to be made through Slough Borough Council online by clicking HERE, the deadline for 2025 admissions is Wednesday 15th January 2025. Offers will be made on 16th April 2025 and will be made through Slough Borough Council.

    Do I need to complete any Admission Forms with the school?

    You will not need to complete any forms with the school, we will contact you with Admission Forms once you are offered a space at our school.

    Do you have a catchment area?

    We do not have a catchment area, however as detailed in our Admissions Criteria if we are oversubscribed then distance will become a factor for allocation of spaces.

    Reception Stay & Play Sessions - September 2025 Intake

    Nursery Open day - September 2025 Intake

    Applying for a Nursery place

    To apply for a place in our Nursery for the academic year (2024/2025), please fill the following application form and return it to the contact outlined below, or to request a paper copy, contact the School Office by email on:

    Nursery Entry Application 2024-2025

    Recent changes by the government mean that some parents will be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare a week effective from September 2017. To check if you are eligible for 30 hours of free childcare, please refer to the document at the following link:

    The checking system for 30 hours of free childcare is available by following this link:

    Once you have completed this check you will need to complete this form and return it to the school. If you are not eligible you will still be entitled to the universal 15 hours of free childcare currently offered by the government. Please note all nursery spaces are subject to availability.

    Nursery Year Application form September 2024/2025 entry

    How do I apply to Priory School for all other year groups

    To apply for a school place for any other year group please complete the in-year admissions form and contact our admissions team by emailing:

    All Years application form

    All Years Application Form 2024 - 2025

    All children with an Education, Health, Care Plan must apply for a place via Sloughs Education Support Services. The school does not allocate places to the Resource Base, again applications must go directly to Slough Education Support Services.


    Parents/ carers whose child has not been offered a place for their child can appeal the decision. The letter will tell you how. 

    You can appeal a decision within 20 school days from the date on the decision letter.

    Priory school will give you at least 10 school days’ notice of the hearing.

    Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days wherever possible.

    Please complete the appeals form and send it to:

    Please note for appeals for entry to Reception 2025, the closing date for appeals will be published on Slough Borough council website.

    All appeals will be heard in June/ July 2025. Appeals for Reception are done directly through Slough Borough Council. 

    Appeals Form