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Drama and percussion 

In English, we explored the sounds of a busy New York street. In groups, children worked together to use percussion instruments to create a backdrop - mimicking the rain falling and thunder rolling! 


Labyrinth Challenge

Today, Year 3 have taken part in a Theseus and the Minotaur style Labyrinth challenge! Each class made their way through the maze, where they collected challenge cards with different points. At the end, they worked together to add up the totals and 3 Wicks were the winning class! 




The class sentence stack in 3 Moore so far! Each differently coloured sentence has been chosen from a pupil's English book.



Theseus and the Minotaur

We are very much enjoying reading Theseus and the Minotaur in Year 3! We have spent the week discussing the difference between King Minos and King Aegeus, and the brave prince Theseus. 

We have been exploring a wide range of vocabulary in our sentence stacking lessons, and have created some fantastic descriptions of the beastly Minotaur! Below is an example of a brilliant inspiration page created during an English lesson, and a sentence stack.