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  • House Information

    At Priory School we organise the children into school Houses. We aim to celebrate pupil success; encourage community spirit; and instil a sense of pride and belonging amongst our pupils and staff. Each term, we hold a number of house events and competitions, contributing to the pastoral side of the school which develops students’ social, team-working and organisational (amongst other) skills.

    There are now 5  houses:

    • Hornbeam (Yellow) 
    • Maple (Orange)
    • Holly (Red)
    • Cedar (Blue)
    • Rowan (Rowan)

    How does the house system work?

    Every pupil and member of staff at Priory have been assigned a house. Children can earn house points for their academic achievements; demonstrating our school's fundamental values; and contributing to our wider school community (e.g. through house events, choir, sports competitions etc.). House points are recorded on classroom charts and our House Captains have the responsibility of collecting the points once a week. The winning house is revealed in our weekly whole-school assembly where pupils are celebrated for their successes and achievements. The house that has earned the most points over the year will win the annual House Trophy!

    How can children earn house points?

    • Demonstrating positive behaviour
    • Displaying good manners/being courteous towards others
    • Producing work to a high standard
    • Reaching academic/personal targets
    • Participation in extra-curricular activities 
    • Personal achievements
    • Making progress in their earning 

    What can children look forward to?

    We  hold a number of house events during the  academic year. These events are a time when children can put their best foot forward to earn extra house points for their teams! It is also a time where pupils and staff can come together to wear their house colour proudly, helping to build and foster community spirit here at Priory. Some exciting events taking place this year include:

    • House Food Bank Challenge
    • House Colour Day
    • Easter Egg Hunt
    • Priory's Got Talent 2024
    • Sports Day
    • Fundraising and Charity Events