Welcome to Year 6
Little Canada Trip Information and Forms
Curriculum Overviews
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Little Canada Trip 2024
Year 6 Production of Disney's Aladdin Jr' 2024
On World Book Day, Year 6 spent the day celebrating and exploring the genre 'Epic Adventures'. Some of us came to school dressed up as our favourite book characters or wearing pyjamas as a way to recognise the importance of bedtime stories.
Year 6 had a fantastic day visiting the Natural History Museum! The trip was a great way to celebrate all of our hard work during the Spring term learning about the natural world and the work of Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.
Year 6 loved learning about reindeer when these amazing creatures came to visit Priory! Did you know that a reindeer sheds its antlers every year and grows a new identical set every year? Did you know that reindeer antlers are the fastest growing bones in the world? Did you know that a reindeer can run at 40mph? Did you know that reindeers communicate by clicking the tendons in their legs? We found the visit so interesting!
Marvellous Macbeth! During the Autumn term, Year 6 had the opportunity to watch a fantastic performance of Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, which was performed by the Young Shakespeare Company. The children were able to take part by providing sound effects, taking on some of the acting roles and by all taking part in a slow-motion staged battle in the finale to the story! The children will be using this experience to inspire their writing in English lessons. We will publish some of their work on the Year 6 English page if you want to read their fantastic writing in the coming weeks.
As part of our RE lessons, Year 6 visited the Cippenham Baptist Church to learn more about how Christmas is a significant festival for Christians.
Year 6 had a fantastic time celebrating their hard work on 'Hogwarts Day' after studying the book 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.' We had the opportunity to take part in lessons including: Potions, Divination and Charms. A magical day was had by all!.
A Roaring Success This week, the school hall was transformed and became the African Savannah as Year 6 took to the stage to perform The Lion King Jr.
Over the course of the week, they have performed to all year groups and their parents during two after-school performances. The children displayed enormous amounts of professionalism, courage and determination and have astounded pupils, parents, staff and governors with their incredible talent. We could not be prouder of our Year 6 pupils and know that we certainly have some future stars in the making. Below are some reviews from audience members this week: “What a truly fabulous show yr6 put on this afternoon. Please pass on my congrats and thanks to everyone involved. The costumes and makeup were amazing but the performers were beyond words!” - School Governor “Having attended Year 6’s superb performance yesterday, I strongly feel to say thank you for your efforts to give our children confidence which is a great asset for life.” - Year 6 Parent “The best show I have seen at Priory!” - Year 5 pupil “I honestly could have been watching a show in the West End. Just wow!” - Priory Teacher The Year 6 team would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone that has contributed to making this show a success: the Year 6 TLAs for their support behind the scenes; staff throughout the school for their help on the nights; the office staff for their help selling and printing tickets and programmes; Miss Allen and Miss Miller for their support making our props, sets and face-painting the pupils; Mrs Shaw and the band for their musical expertise; the parents for providing costumes and being a superb audience; and of course, the stars of the show themselves, the children for their hard work and enthusiasm.
Little Canada 2023!
Year 6 had the opportunity to visit London to see an amazing performance of 'The Lion King' in May. Have a look at some pictures and reviews of our trip below.
Year 6 Production of Bugsy Malone