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  • How to report my child's absence

    If your child is unwell

    Depending on the nature of the child’s illness, it may still be appropriate to send them into school. Low level coughs and colds are almost always present in young children, especially during time when the weather is colder. It actually helps to send them to school to build their resilience and resistance to common viruses.

    Please see below advice from the NHS, “Is my child to ill for school”:

    The NHS exclusion table is a good guide to how many exclusion days a child may need if they contract common viruses.


    However, if your child is very poorly and is unable to come to school, please report their absence daily. You can do this by:

    When reporting your child’s absence please give the following details:

    • Full name of the child
    • Name of their class
    • Nature of the illness. Please note that we will need to know exactly what is wrong with you child in order to authorise the absence, we cannot accept reasons such as unwell, ill.
    • Proof of appointments that require children to be absent from school for part/all of the day.

    If you do not report your child’s absence via the above channels a text message or phone call will be made to ask why your child is not in school.

    Thank you for working with us in order to support your child’s attendance and well-being.