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  • Punctuality procedures

    Pupils arriving late

    All pupils should arrive to school between 8:30am and 8:45am via their classroom doors. The main gates will shut promptly at 8:45am and any pupil arriving after this time will need to report to the main office to sign in.

    If your child is late, they are put at a disadvantage because lessons begin promptly in the mornings. It also puts an additional strain on the office staff and inconveniences the class teacher, who may have to stop teaching to help catch up late children.

    • Children arriving late will be signed in by one of the school’s Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads and the welfare officer who will register the children and for younger children walk them to their class.
    • The attendance  officers will monitor the register of late children and may follow up with a phone call or a meeting to the parents to discuss the issues that are preventing the child from being at school on time.
    • Parents who regularly send their children in late may be fined as outlined by the school’s attendance code.