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  • The Orchard

    Orchard Resource Base

    All places are funded and allocated by Slough Borough council. The Orchard Resource Base is full as of September 2024.

    Functional Academic Development

    The Orchard provides an adapted curriculum to enable students to access as many learning opportunities across a broad and balanced curriculum as possible.  Core subjects are taught through a Topic-based planning system, where links with real-life and key vocabulary are embedded within the subjects.  We understand the importance of linking learning to concepts that are motivational, appropriate to our students and generate a high interest to learn. We have high expectations of our students to meet their learning objectives in all areas of the curriculum.  Lessons are planned and delivered using a range of sensory, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approaches in order to maximise attention and progress.

    Emotional Well-being, Life Skills and Independence

    We place a high priority in the Orchard on emotional well-being and supporting our young people on teaching strategies to support them with their emotional regulation. All staff are highly trained in a variety of Occupational Health interventions and strategies such as sensory circuits, sensory diets and embedding sensory play into learning activities.  Our aim is to find out the individual strategies that effectively help a child to feel calm and teach each child how to advocate for themselves in communicating what will help them to remain regulated throughout their day. Staff are committed to providing support to encourage and motivate children to be as independent as possible in all areas of their daily life. 

    Working together to ensure progress:

    In the Orchard, we recognise that a holistic approach is needed to support our children into becoming happy, successful and independent learners. We work collaboratively with children, parents, teaching staff and external professionals such as speech therapists and occupational therapists. We follow the graduated approach of assess, plan, do and review to ensure that all children are receiving quality, targeted support to make progress in all four areas of SEN; communication and interaction, cognition & learning, social, emotional & mental health and physical & sensory. We review progress with all who are involved in supporting the child and this shows in our amazing outcomes.