In addition to a range of interventions that are delivered by school staff we have a mainstream resource base. The Woodlands Resource Base is for children with an Education Health and Care Plan.
The Woodlands Badgers is accessible for students up to 50% of their day, who have an Education Health and Care Plan and have Resource Base provision detailed in their EHCP. Students will engage in their learning in an autism-friendly classroom environment, focusing on all areas of their EHCP. They will access core learning tailored to meet their needs, with a focus on building attention skills and the foundations of Maths and English. They will also access interventions including Attention Autism (bucket time), communication boards and PECS, TEACCH activities promoting independence, emotional regulation strategies, sensory circuits, Zones of Regulation, social context and friendship building skills. The students are in mainstream for the remainder of their day accessing the mainstream curriculum, with a moderate level of adult support and adapted activities / work.
The criteria for the Woodlands resource base is:
Social interaction and play
Sensory Regulation
Health and Self-Care
Places at our Woodlands Resource Base are allocated and funded by Slough Borough council. Pupils in our mainstream do not get a priority to the resource base, all applications must go through to the SEND team at Slough.